This page tracks the high level capabilities of the OpenXC platform. Sub-components like the Android library or vehicle interface firmware may have incremental updates between major platform updates which are tracked in their respective changelogs.
The versions listed in each release section should be considered the compatible versions. It is recommended to update to all new versions as a group.
This update includes vi-firmware major refactoring that frees up memory to allow for more functionality, such as Multi-frame CAN read. There are also some fixes and updates to a few tools available for OpenXC. OpenXC now supports iOS 13 and Android 10. Some of the specific updates include:
This update includes several new major features, fixes, and security updates requiring simultaneous updates to the firmware, client libraries, and the vagrant virtual machine. Some of the highlights include:
This update supports new VIs from CrossChasm that are available for use. The first is the CrossChasm C5 Cellular device which provides GSM connectivity. The second is a CrossChasm C5 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device to allow access from an iOS device. Note the iOS framework is currently under development and should be released by the end of the year. All C5 devices now support timstamping the message on the VI. The BT & Cellular devices support local storage to an SD card.
The openxc-message-format and python updates include new commands to support these devices.
The openxc-android library remains functionally the same, but has been updated to use Android Studio instead of Eclipse.
This platform update brings a major refactoring of the message format, so a simultaneous update of the firmware and client libraries is required. The vi-firmware project now has a functional test suite to help guard against regressions in future releases, and it supports a number of new run-time configuration options.
For example, the VI can be configured at runtime to:
The internals of the Android library are significantly refactored to enable
greater flexibility to deal with different types of messages from the vehicle.
The public API for the VehicleManager
, using in OpenXC Android apps, is
backwards compatible so no significant changes are required for developers
(potentially only no longer needing to catch a certain exception thrown by the
library, as it is now handled internally). For example, this commit in the
project updates it to be compatible with the v6.0 Android library.
The OpenXC Enabler Android app is now available through the Google Play store, and also has an enhanced user interface to expose many of the new features of the vehicle interface and library. You can see a preview of the new screens in this thread in the Google Group.